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Divorce / Dissolution - Initial Disclosure Checklist

Please provide us with the following information and records by your next appointment:


1. Paystubs.  Your four (4) most recent pay stubs (Include all sources of income, such as: unemployment benefits, social security, investment dividends, retirement or pension income, child support or spousal support you receive, gambling or lottery winnings, income from rental property or other business interests, and/or annuities);


2. Tax Returns.  Your last three (3) years of federal and state income tax returns;


3. Property Deed(s).  The recorded Deed for the marital residence and any other real estate in your name;


4.  Mortgage Statement.   A current mortgage statement showing the monthly payment and balance due on the marital residence and any other real estate in your name;


5. Real Estate Appraisals.  A copy of the appraisal within the last five (5) years for any real estate in your name;


6.  Auto Loan Statement.  A current statement for any auto loan in your name showing the monthly payment and the balance due;


7.  Credit Card / LoanStatements.  A current statement for each credit card and other revolving credit account in your name showing the monthly payment and the balance due;


8.  Retirement Plan Statements.  A current statement for any retirement plan in your name showing the balance of funds in the account;


9.  Investment Statements.  A current statement for any stocks, mutual funds, or other investments in your name;


10.  Life Insurance Policy.  A copy of any whole life insurance policy;


11.  Safety Deposit Box Itemization.  An itemization for any safety deposit boxes in your name showing the location of such deposit box and an itemized list of the items and value contained therein;


12. Bankruptcy Discharges.  A copy of the Final Discharge for any bankruptcies you filed within the last five (5) years; and


13.  Separate Property.  Proof of any property you claim is separate property.

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